1. Chen, Q., Zeng, W., She, J., Bai, X. C., and Jiang, Y. (2019) Structural and functional characterization of an otopetrin family proton channel. Elife 8, e46710.
2. She, J., Zeng, W., Guo, J., Chen, Q., Bai, X. C., and Jiang, Y. (2019) Structural mechanisms of phospholipid activation of the human TPC2 channel. Elife 8, e45222.
3. She, J.*, Guo, J.*, Chen, Q.*, Zeng, W., Jiang, Y., and Bai, X. C. (2018) Structural insights into the voltage and phospholipid activation of mammalian TPC1 channel. Nature 556, 130–134. (*equal contribution)
4. Guo, J.*, She, J.*, Zeng, W., Chen, Q., Bai, X. C., and Jiang, Y. (2017) Structures of the Calcium-activated Non-Selective Cation Channel TRPM4, Nature 552, 205–209. (*equal contribution. Highlighted in "Editors' Choice” in Science Signaling)
5. Chen, Q.*, She, J.*, Zeng, W., Guo, J., Xu, H., Bai, X. C., and Jiang, Y. (2017) Structure of mammalian endolysosomal TRPML1 channel in nanodiscs, Nature 550, 415-418. (*equal contribution. Highlighted in "Editors' Choice” in Science Signaling)
6. Guo, J., Zeng, W., Chen, Q., Lee, C., Chen, L., Yang, Y., Cang, C., Ren, D., Jiang, Y. (2016) Structure of the voltage-gated two-pore channel TPC1 from Arabidopsis thaliana. Nature 531, 196-201.
7. Chen, Q.*, Chen, X.*, Wang, Q., Zhang, F., Lou, Z., Zhang, Q., Zhou, D. (2013) Structural basis of a histone H3 lysine 4 demethylase required for stem elongation in rice. PLoS Genet 9, e1003239. (*equal contribution)
8. Chen, Q., Wang, Q., Xiong, L., and Lou, Z. (2011). A structural view of the conserved domain of rice stress-responsive NAC1. Protein & Cell 2, 55-63.
9. Westfall, C.S., Herrmann, J., Chen, Q., Wang, S., and Jez, J.M. (2010). Modulating plant hormones by enzyme action: the GH3 family of acyl acid amido synthetases. Plant Signal Behav 5, 1607-1612.
10. Chen, Q., Westfall, C.S., Hicks, L.M., Wang, S., and Jez, J.M. (2010). Kinetic basis for the conjugation of auxin by a GH3 family indole-acetic acid-amido synthetase. J Biol C...
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